What is Ibasket?
Investing in stocks is simple with an investment basket. To achieve your financial objectives, select from a variety of investment baskets.
Debt & ETF iBasket: ACE - Just Invest Asset Allocation
Thematic I basket: ACE-Power
India has the potential to become the most significant energy growth market, with NIP targeted INR 25 Lakh Crores by the year 2025. It is highly volatile due to the focus on limited industries.
Thematic I basket: ACE-Bharat Defense
According to Stockholm international peace research institute, India has the third-largest defense budget ($91 billion annually). ACE Bharat Defence is highly volatile due to the focus on limited industries.
Thematic I basket: ACE- Super Dividend
This portfolio focuses on high dividend yields which are based on the company’s growth. ACE Super dividend portfolios are highly volatile as it is focused and limited to specific industries.