what are ibasketUnlock Infinite Growth Potential with iBasketiBasket offers expertly curated portfolios to help you achieve your financial goals. With smart diversification and tailored solutions, it empowers you to maximize growth and invest with confidence.ibasketsDEBT &ETF IBaskets: ACE -just binvest asset allocationit typically includes a combination of equity index ETF,bond ETF,liquid ETF ,commodities ETF and foreign equity index ETF .allowing investors to diversify their holdings and potentially mitigate risk while seeking returnsstar ibaskets THEMATIC IBasket: ACE-super dividendThis portfolio focuses on high dividend yield which are based on the company's growth. ACE super Dividend portfolios are highly volatile as it is focused and limited and limited to specific industries.learn morestar ibasketThematic ibasket:ACE-powerIndia has the potential to become the most significant energy growth market,with NIP targeted 25 LAKH crores by the year 2025.it is highly volatile due to the focus on limited industries.